Resource Mobilization Advisors
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Resource Mobilization Advisors

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Infrastructure and Municipal Projects

With our extensive financial transaction experience, RMA develops financing programs and project structures that successfully balance the needs of investors with the concerns of local borrowers. Based in Washington, DC, we facilitate capital flow to local projects at lower costs to ratepayers through regulatory reform and policy modification. We realize that successful public and private partnerships require a unique balance of economic, social, and capital market interests in each country.

Legal and Regulatory Policy Analysis

Let us advise governments on how to attract private capital and management expertise to develop their infrastructure and energy sectors most efficiently. We review national legal and regulatory frameworks to identify obstacles to effective financing of local projects. The design policy and institutional reforms allow us to support greater long-term investments in local infrastructure. Our draft legislation implements efficient flow of capital to local projects through public-private -partnerships. We have prior and ongoing activities in Colombia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Zimbabwe.

Project Development

Trust us to draft business plans and term sheets for project sponsors and developers. Our draft model and project specific contracts help private sector investment in local infrastructure projects. We then review the offering memorandum for improved documentation. We have prior and ongoing activities in Brazil, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, India, Mexico, Poland, and Romania.

Development Bank and Pooled Lending Programs

Ensure you have the funds for your next big project. RMA develops pooled lending and revolving loan programs to finance small-scale local infrastructure projects. This approach lowers transaction costs, mitigates risk through diversification, and facilitates project specific technical assistance. RMA has prior and ongoing activities in Mexico, India, the Philippines, Poland, and Jamaica. Our approach to pooled financing includes:

  • Evaluating credit quality of small-scale projects and developing underwriting criteria.
  • Work with on-lending banks to integrate pooled lending with their existing programs.
  • Draft operational manuals and guidelines.
  • Develop umbrella credit enhancement facilities for pooled projects.
  • Draft enabling documentation for pooled lending authorities.
  • Draft lending agreements.

Existing Projects

Additionally, RMA evaluated existing municipal development fund operations, including underwriting criteria, approval procedures, portfolio management, and leveraging capabilities. Based on this analysis, we design market access strategies for municipal development funds, state development banks, and on-lending institutions. RMA has prior and ongoing activities in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Poland.

City Coastline

Municipal Lease Financing

Have us develop municipal lease financing programs for local governments and public agencies. RMA drafts standardized financing documents for master lease programs that reduce transaction cost and simplify security arrangements. Trust us to create cash-flow credit analysis, monitoring standards and procedures, lease pricing, and administrative guidelines for master lease programs. We work with financing and operating leases as well as lease revenue bonds. RMA has prior and ongoing activities in Lithuania and Poland.

Credit Enhancement Initiatives

Let us improve your credit initiatives. RMA develops and implement credit enhancement strategies to raise the credit ratings of (and lower interest rates for) municipal, environmental, and housing projects. Our team provides local banks and other lending institutions with training in the municipal credit evaluation and credit enhancement strategies. RMA has prior and ongoing activities in the Czech Republic and the USAID Central Office.

Distressed Local Governments

Improve the limitation policies with our drafted debt procedures. RMA drafts legislation to create early warning systems and remediation programs for distressed local authorities and develop workout strategies for local authorities in need of debt restructuring. We have several Debt limitation policies and disclosure guidelines. RMA has prior and ongoing activities in Zimbabwe and Indonesia.


• Clinton Foundation Ambassador
• DC Bar Association
• Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities
• US AID/EPA Working Group on Water Finance

• U.S. Conference of Mayors, Business Council
• American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), Leadership Council
• Business Council for Sustainable Energy