Resource Mobilization Advisors
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Resource Mobilization Advisors

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Clean Energy and Environmental Services

 RMA takes a country-by-country approach to the development of financial mechanisms that recognize the unique legal, policy, and regulatory framework in each jurisdiction. As such, we believe in a bottom-up approach to the implementation of a global environmental agenda.


Our design approach to financial mechanisms for global environmental projects and other donor programs includes the following:

  • Initial engagement with project developers, local financial institutions, and senior policy advisors to determine the available intervention options.
  • Consultations with local project developers to determine their needs and financial capabilities.
  • Dialogue with local banks regarding financing program options in light of Basel III capital adequacy, local regulatory requirements, lending standards, and credit committee concerns.
  • Engagement of senior government officials to determine that proposed program are consistent with national goals and objectives.
  • Evaluation of options against sustainability, leverage, and administration cost criteria.
  • Reviewing legal and regulatory acceptability of the most advantages of the financial model.
  • Draft transaction documents to implement a preferred financial mechanism.


RMA has designed a wide range of financial mechanisms to leverage private sector financing of clean energy projects including the following:

  • Green bond offerings - Jamacia and India
  • Partial Credit Guarantees - Poland and Croatia
  • Partial Performance Guarantees - Brazil
  • Equity Funds - Colombia and Mexico
  • Subordinated Loan Programs - Argentina and Slovenia
  • Construction Loan Guarantees - The Philippines
  • Solar Lease Financing - Dominican Republic
  • Trust or SPV Structure to Pool Smaller Scale Project for Financing - Mexico, India, and Jamaica
  • Master Lease for Citywide EE Projects - Poland
  • ESCO Programs - Lithuania, Mexico, and Poland
  • PACE Financing - Romania