Resource Mobilization Advisors
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Resource Mobilization Advisors

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Representative Projects

NAMA Facility

Under contract to the international NAMA facility, RMA developed financial mechanisms for clean energy projects in Latin America and Asia. Several of our financial mechanism proposals include:

  • Lease financing for renewable energy projects in the Dominican Republic.
  • Construction finance facility for feed-in-tariff projects in the Philippines.
  • Equity fund for waste-to-energy projects in Colombia.
  • Price stability fund for clean energy projects in Chile.
  • Subordinated and concessional loan program for biomass projects in Argentina.


Under contract to the Inter-American Development bank (IDB), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), RMA developed a revolving fund for commercial bank financing of environmental projects in the Caribbean region. The first tranche of financing was at $15.2 million.

The Philippines

Under contract to USAID and in collaboration with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), RMA developed a water revolving fund program in the Philippines. This fund has financed more than $200 million of projects.


RMA provided assistance to the UNDP/GEF regarding the design and implementation of financing programs for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Croatia, Romania, Central America, Chile, Egypt, India, and Thailand.

Creating Innovative Financing Mechanisms

RMA developed innovative financing mechanisms for aggregation of small-scale energy projects in Mexico and the Philippines under contract to APEC.

Financial Services

Fideicomiso Trust

RMA developed a Fideicomiso (Trust) program to bundle efficiency projects for financing by the North America Development Bank (NADB) through one debt instrument. We drafted transaction documents for our Fideicomiso financing.

Eastern and Southern Africa

RMA designed and developed an infrastructure investment fund for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). We identified sources of capital, drafted an investment fund charter, operations manual, and RFP for the fund manager.

The BIDFacility Charter

RMA assisted the IFC in the creation of BIDFacility, an IFC-managed, multi-donor supported initiative designed to assist public entities attract private sector investments through PPP. We drafted the BIDFacility Charter, engaged in market analysis, conducted a regional legal and regulatory review, and presented the proposal at a donors' conference. The BIDFacility has raised more than $20 million in donor funds.


RMA assisted the Tamil Nadu Development Fund in India with successful privatization and follow-on bond financing. RMA was involved in the first private sector pooled financing of water projects outside the United States. As a legal and financial adviser, we structured a $22.6 million non-convertible, redeemable bond offering issued by the Tamil Nadu Development Fund in India.


Under contract to USAID, we developed credit enhancement strategies for global climate change projects. RMA helped the Polish National Environmental Fund transition from a grant to a lending operation for local government environmental projects.


Under contract with the Asian Development Bank, RMA provided the Indonesian Ministry of Finance with recommended strategies to transition a municipal development fund to a capital market intermediary.

Presentations Upon Request

  • Bloomberg New Energy Finance for Resilience Award
  • Implementation Models for Revolving Fund Programs
  • Philippine Water Revolving Fund Design Framework
  • Case Study - India Tamil Nadu Pooled Bond Financing Program
  • Legal Framework Analysis for Municipal Financing
  • Mobilizing Financing for Carbon Capture in the EU